Table of Contents

Customize outlook appointment body

Emails are triggered upon creation of creation / modification of a booking. Data in the email template is synced with Exchange.

Default template

By default, there is a base email body set up for all new and existing connection. It contains the basic information that clients would expect to see in a confirmation email, which are also synced to Exchange.

This is what the default body looks like using liquid objects:


{{}} with {{}}


Date: {{}}

Time: {{slot.just_time}}

Duration: {{slot.duration}}

Location: {%- if slot.location.address.single_line != "" -%}

{{- slot.location.address.single_line -}}

{%- else -%}

{{- -}}

{% endif %}

Attendee Details:

Attendee Name: {{}}

Attendee Email: {{}}

Attendee Phone: {{}}

Additional Service Details: {%- for space in slot.spaces -%}

{%- for question_and_answer in space.booking_question_and_answer_objects -%}

{{}}: {{question_and_answer.pretty_value}}

{%- endfor -%}

{%- endfor -%}

Custom body

Customising email bodies is done through the use of Liquid objects in journey. This allows you to configure what information you would like to send out in emails and what to sync with Exhange, if you need to diverge from the default body.

Start using liquid objects to customise email bodies (link coming soon)

How did we do?

Test the connection

Appointment lock
