V7.54 - V7.55 (July 2024)

JRNI Updated by JRNI

JRNI Release Notes v7.54 - V7.55 July 2024


We now offer reporting on resources so you can track the bookings and resource utilization similar to the staff reports.

We added a new setting to the journey builder that allows to show/hide the button to book with someone else if a personal booking link is disabled.

From now on you can pass the language tag in URL presets to set the journey into a specific language.

Lastly, SSO is now supported for event journeys.

✏️ Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the customer name having first name, last name, extra first name and extra last name in ja(Japan) locale wasn't displaying correctly on the list page of customers
  • Reduce the Sync time in analytics from 3 years to 3 months as a default with a possibility to change it dynamically
  • Changes made to day_data api to improve the performance
  • Bug fixes
  • We added the "file upload header" and "opening hours" to the custom text section in the journey builder so that they can be customised the any preferred verbiage e.g. "branch opening times"
  • Fixed an issue where the info text for virtual appointments on the confirmation step was not displaying correctly to what was set in the related custom text section
  • Supporting setting to show/hide the button to book with someone else if a personal booking link is disabled
  • Bug fixes
Customer journeys
  • Fixed an issue where answers to booking questions were not being set by presets
  • Fixed an issue where the virtual location search returns a location the service isn’t assigned to
  • We now allow passing language tag in URL presets to set the journey into a specific language
  • Showing the staff name on the confirmation page of a personal booking link
  • Bug fixes
  • Added Single Sign On (SSO) integration
  • Homepage of the events overview page to support different number of event cards in one row to fill up page evenly
  • Bug fixes
  • Enabled reporting on resources

How did we do?

V7.55-V7.57 (August 2024)

V7.52-V7.53 (June 2024)
