V8.6 - V8.7 (January 2025)

JRNI Updated by JRNI

JRNI Release Notes V8.6-V8.7 January 2025

  • Made some work to allow adding shift/schedule infos to the capacity report in Analytics
  • Multiple pieces of work that generally help to improve the communication and syncing between Gcal and jrni
  • A new API endpoint has been added to update the instance of a recurring event
  • Fixed an issue where the attendees API was returning an 404 error
  • Fixed an issue where the Event Fully Booked Button wasn't displaying correctly
  • We added a new section to the Branding Themes called "Tiles". This allows you to customise the colour, corner radius and shadow of the big (by default) white tiles that the content sits on in the Customer Journeys- allowing to match your companies branding in even more detail
  • Added a setting to the Journey Builder to control if location results should be restricted in their display (showing a load more button instead of a scroll) and after how many locations it should be shown
  • Made some improvements to the notes option, not allowing an empty note to be saved or displayed
  • Made improvements to the "Due Time" shown
  • Automatically moving staff into the "busy" state when a pre-booked appointment has started
  • Added a calendar icon next to staff name when an appointment is ongoing to better indicate their unavailability
Customer journeys
  • Made some UI changes and UX improvements to the location results scroll to avoid customers using an iframe and having many locations, running into the illusion of an infinite scroll. The location shows will be restricted and a "Load More" button will allow to load more location results
  • Made sure the calendar that opens for booking questions with a date picker-answer field, shows correctly
  • Added config that allows a resource address to be shown instead of a location address when the journey deep links into a resource
  • Waitlists are now support in the new Event Booking Journeys
  • The Event Bulk Import CSV is now checked for duplicate rows

How did we do?

V8.30 -V8.40 (November 2024)
