V7.55-V7.57 (August 2024)

JRNI Updated by JRNI

JRNI Release Notes v7.5 - V7.5Β August 2024

πŸ’ŽNew: Private services

Private/VIP services are exclusive services that are not visible on the general customer journeys, catering to the needs of high-value buyers & clients.

A new "Visibility Type" setting was added to a service profile, allowing to set whether a service should be set to be public or private (with or without display on personal bookings links). A service can also be set to disabled which then fully disables it from any booking via any route.

Private services can be booked by sharing a direct link for the service with selected customers, via the admin booking journey, call center journeys (where they are marked as private). They can also be added to events or queues.

Read more about the feature and how to enable/migrate here.

πŸ“ŠNew: Capacity reporting for resources

Our analytics now also provides you data around the use of resources. View your most booked resource, check resource utilisation and compare it with previous timeframes to better plan out demand and optimise your workforce.

✏️ Fixes

  • Added dynamic translation support in new event search APIs
  • Properly cleared the users ESS record after disable/delete using the importer
  • Set locale in purchase & dev public api
  • Fixed a bug where Google maps did not load on the company edit classic page
  • Fixed a bug where emails diplayed/contained a "liquid error"
  • Other bug fixes & general improvements to api response times
  • Added a setting to the journey builder that allows admins to decide if the appointment can only be rescheduled with the same staff or any staff
  • Fixed a bug where some images were not displaying correctly in the journey builder
  • Made an update so that changes made to Phone, Address and Email toggles in the journey builder (personal details step) are also reflected in the in-app review panel
Customer journeys
  • Hide logo and default header/footer when using the journeys in an iframe
  • For recurring events: Added an info flag to point users to select the right occurance, to avoid them viewing or edit the event on the wrong date
  • Supporting recurring events in event chain api
  • We now support different language selection (based on purchased language) in the events journeys, displaying a language picker dropdown and detecting the browser locale for the inital language selection
  • Fixed an issue where parent event group images were not showing on booking and confirmation page
  • You are now able to create recurring events of all types using the bulk importer
  • Added a sequential number appended to the reference of a queue which should increases with each new customer joining the queue, starting from 1. So that customers can easily track their position in the queue, improving their queue experience
  • Any notes added when adding the customer to the Queue are now visible on the Concierge UI when a customer is being served. All staff can easily see any notes and prepare for the appointment accordingly

How did we do?

V7.54 - V7.55 (July 2024)
