V7.16.0 (June 8 2023)

JRNI Updated by JRNI

JRNI Release Notes v7.16.0 - 8th June 2023

We are thrilled to announce our latest product update, the new and improved Customer Journey and a brand new Journey Builder! It is designed to streamline the customer booking experience and give you even greater control, allowing you to create booking journeys tailored to your specific needs. To enable the new Customer Journey and Journey Builder, or for more information, please reach contact your Customer Success Manager or email csmteam@jrni.com.

New Customer Journey

We have modernized the look and feel of the booking experience, with a focus on enhancing the user experience. This means your customers will enjoy an even more intuitive, user-friendly and streamlined experience when making their bookings.

Journey Builder

Imagine having the ability to tailor your customer journeys according to your unique requirements. With Journey Builder, you now have the power to control the flow, functionality, and look and feel of the booking experience. Whether it’s customising the booking steps, custom text or progress bar, the Journey Builder allows you to create a booking experience that is tailored to your needs.

Branding Themes

We understand the importance of maintaining a consistent brand image throughout every customer touchpoint. That’s why we’ve introduced Branding Themes alongside the Journey Builder. This exciting feature empowers you to design and apply your own branding themes, including colours, buttons, fonts and other visual elements to the new customer journey. You can effortlessly align your booking experience with your brand’s unique style, ensuring a seamless customer journey from start to finish.

New Features

New Customer Journey Builder and Branding Theme Builder

We’ve made some UX improvements to the new builders, including:

  • Text wrapping on cards
  • Ux copies and dialogues and spelling updates
  • An issue where a loading spinner on a button kept spinning


  • Fixed an issue where some API endpoints had high return times
  • Fixed an issue where users are not able to change the category of the service from any category to "none"
  • Fixed an issue for a customer where schedule import issues from Kiran to JRNI, caused a lack of availability for JRNI appointments due to failure to load the schedules via the JRNI importer
  • Fixed an issue for a customer, where deleting a staff member who was created at a child location would disrupt their customer booking FE journey
  • Fixed an issue for a customer where the date and time of an appointment, where not shown correctly on their email and sms notification templates
  • Fixed an issue where OAuth & Elastic search were failing
  • We removed Salesforce V1
  • Updated the JRNI Backend App and any Extensibility Apps to be able to facilitate nodejs14

How did we do?

V7.0.0 (February 9 2023)

V7.15.0 (June 1 2023)
