Configuring the reservation workflow

Ibrahim Lambat Updated by Ibrahim Lambat

What is the reservation workflow?

The reservation workflow is a feature that enables clients to set up reserved services requiring confirmation of customer attendance. Customers will be notified of the appointment and requested to confirm their attendance via the appointment reminder email. Additionally, reserved services are inverted in colour, making it easier to visualise a reserved vs confirmed appointment in Studio.


Implementing an automated appointment reminder and confirmation of appointment system can provide several benefits. Firstly, it can reduce the number of no-shows, ensuring appointment slots can be reallocated and staff only wait for customers who arrive. Additionally, it can improve the use of staff time and reduce administrative hours by eliminating the need to chase customers to confirm their attendance.

Creating a reservation service

Follow the steps below to create a reservation service:

  1. Login to your JRNI admin account.
  2. From the left-hand menu, select Your Business > Services.
  3. Click the name of the service to load the Service Profile page.
  4. Select the Advanced tab.
  5. In the Advanced menu, select 'Take Reservations' under Non-Members Appointment.
  6. In the Advanced menu, select 'Customer and Admin can confirm' under Confirmable By.
  7. Select the 'Save' button.

Creating a reserved appointment

Making a booking using the ‘New Booking’ button

Follow the steps below to create a reserved appointment:

  1. Log into your JRNI account and child location.
  2. Navigate to the Calendar page and click New Booking in the top right corner.
  3. Select the Service from the drop-down menu. In this instance, the reservation service will be set up.
  1. Based on the selected service, the user interface will dynamically change, adding the type of booking to the booking flow. By default, it will be set as a reservation.
  2. Complete the booking flow to create a reserved appointment.

  1. Reserved services are inverted in colour, making it easier to visualise a reserved vs confirmed appointment.

How does a customer confirm a reservation?

  1. The customer will receive an appointment reminder email reminding them about their appointment but also requesting them to confirm their attendance.
  1. When the customer selects the 'Confirm now' button, it will confirm their attendance and change the appointment status from reserved to confirmed.

Still have questions?

If you have any further questions about configuring availability by method, please contact JRNI Customer Support, who will be happy to help.

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Creating and editing Services

Creating service schedules
