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Appointment lock

Users will be able to edit bookings with this option enabled, however upon re-syncing, the appointment will revert back to the original time where it was created. This means users can only edit appointments via the first channel where it was created. 

Here is an example of what would happen if a user attempted to update a locked appointment:

  1. Booking is made in JRNI 
  2. Booking is synced and saved to JRNI calendar and Outlook
  3. Booking is moved in Outlook and times have changed
  4. JRNI attempts to update booking but locked appointments are enabled
  5. Outlook is re-synced with JRNI and all details go back to original

This feature is aimed to reduce the number of times a user will accidentally move a customer created appointment by simply not allowing them to do so. It is set when adding a new integration, but you can go back to integration settings at any time to enable or disable this.

How did we do?

Customize outlook appointment body

Configure SSL certificate verification
