V7.52-V7.53 (June 2024)

JRNI Updated by JRNI

JRNI Release Notes v7.52 - V7.53Β June 2024


  • We are now supporting payments in events
  • We added user-defined fields to the downloadable CSV template of the bulk importer for single events
  • For customers using queueing we have now added a notification sound to the display board that clearly indicates when it is someone's turn in the queue to be served
  • In the journey builder, you can now select the default notification preferences that a customer will be asked to fill out on the personal details step. To avoid accidental sign-ups and make agreement more explicit, admins can choose between 4 default options (Both - Email & SMS, Email-only, SMS-only, None)
  • We added a setting to the journey builder that allows setting what should happen if a customer's runs into an error page when trying to book online with a direct link or personal booking link (due to disabled staff or services). You can set, if a button should be shown that allows the customer to book with another staff or explore other services

✏️ Fixes/Improvements

  • Made some improvements to auth tokens and their expiry/refresh time for improved security
  • We have added the Person Ref in the Capacity reporting to Snowflake to improve our analytics capabilities
  • Ongoing improvements to the new scheduler
  • Allowing hierarchical inheritance of payment providers
  • Fixed an issue where a single event is changed to a multi-day event when changing the date and time
  • Fixed some issues where the journey-builder in-app preview was not reflecting the changes made and some images were not displayed
Customer journeys
  • Did some work on the iframe resizer to make sure you can seamlessly integrate with iframes and display the iframe window in the correct dimensions
  • Added a language tag as URL param, so the language picker can be set to the passed value as the default language

How did we do?

V7.54 - V7.55 (July 2024)

V7.49-V.51(May 2024)
