Table of Contents

Creating service schedules

Creating schedules for individual services allows you to have more control over when services are bookable by your customers. 

Schedules act as one entity within your JRNI account, meaning that when you create, edit, or delete a schedule for a bookable service, it will be affected at all levels of the company hierarchy.

Enabling service schedules

Before you create a schedule for each of your services, you must make sure that the setting  allowing service schedules to be created is enabled within your JRNI account. 

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your JRNI account and select a child location.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Basic settings > Services.
  3. Scroll down to the section labelled Service Schedules and select Change
  4. Select the option that reads Schedule for each service and select Save.
Service schedules setting.

Creating a service schedule

Once you have enabled the option to create service schedules, you will see a new option within your services page under Your Business.

  1. Log into your JRNI account and select a child location.
  2. Navigate to Your Business > Services.
  3. Find the service you want to create a schedule for and select Details on the right hand side.
Details navigation for services.

  1. From here, select the Schedule tab and then the Create schedule button.
  2. Similar to creating a new appointment booking, you can create a schedule by:
    1. Selecting the Create shift pattern button
    2. Highlighting a time slot on the calendar
  3. Select the Create shift pattern button or select a time slot and then fill out the creation fields.
    1. Start Date: Choose a date that you want your service schedule to begin.
    2. Start time/End time: Select the times you want to start and end your schedule.
    3. Repeats: Select how often you would like the schedule to repeat, you can choose from: Weekly, Daily, and Sporadically (which gives you the option to choose specific dates).
    4. Interval: Defines how frequent the schedule appears (e.g., every 2 days, every 2 weeks)
    5. Repeat On: Choose the days you would like to repeat the schedule on.
    6. End: Use the drop down menu to select when you would like the service schedule to end. Your ‘End’ options are: 
      1. Never
      2. Specific date
      3. After x occurrences
Note: If you select Specific date or After x occurrences, additional options will occur to allow you to specify your end date.
  1. Once all fields have been filled, select Save.
  2. Your schedule will now appear in the calendar on the Schedule tab.
Note: The current day will be shown as yellow on the calendar in the Schedule tab, any schedules that have been created for the service will appear as a different colour block. 

Amending a service schedule

You may want to extend or reduce the time or days that a service is available for bookings. You can amend your entire service schedule or just the schedule for one particular day.

Amending an individual shift
  1. Log into your JRNI account and select a child location.
  2. Navigate to Your Business > Services.
  3. Find the service you want to amend and select Details on the right hand side.
  4. Select the Schedule tab.
  5. Find the shift you want to amend within the calendar, using the date pickers if necessary, and select the shift.
  6. You will need to then select the first option that reads Shift to amend the individual shift.

Amending an individual shift.

  1. You can then amend the times the shift begins and ends, then select Save.
  2. Your changes will then be reflected in the calendar and the booking journey.
Amending a shift pattern
  1. Follow steps 1-5 from the previous section.
  2. Once the shift is selected, select Shift Pattern to amend the entire service schedule.
  3. You will then be taken back to the initial creation fields that you fill out when creating a service schedule.
Note: For more information on each of the creation fields, refer to step 6 within the ‘Creating a service schedule’ section within this article.
  1. Once all changes have been made, select Save and your changes will be reflected in the calendar and the booking journey.

Deleting service schedules

  1. Log into your JRNI account and select a child location.
  2. Navigate to Your Business > Services.
  3. Find the service you want to delete the schedule for and select Details and then the Schedule tab.
  4. Now select the Delete schedule button on the right hand side of the page.
  5. A popup will then appear asking for confirmation that you want to delete the schedule. 
  6. Once you have selected Delete schedule from the popover, the schedule will automatically disappear and your screen will look like the below image.
Deleting a service schedule.

Still have questions?

If you have any further questions about service schedules, please contact JRNI Customer Support, who will be happy to help.

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Configuring the reservation workflow
