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Changing the staff member or resource on an upcoming booking

You may need to amend the serving staff member or resource for an upcoming booking. This article will take you through the steps you will need to follow to make these changes.

Changing the staff member for an upcoming booking

You can change the staff member of an upcoming booking:

  1. Using the drag and drop function within the calendar view
  2. Through the booking profile
Changing a staff member using drag and drop
Be aware: You may be restricted to moving a booking to another staff member if they are not set up to provide the service or there is a conflict of schedules for example (outside schedule, double booking, outside of time step).
  1. Log into your JRNI account and select a child location.
  2. Navigate to Home > Calendar.
  3. Locate the booking you want to change the staff member for within the staff calendar view.
  4. Drag and drop the booking to the staff member you wish to change the booking to and a message will appear for you to confirm your change.
  5. Once you select Move booking the booking will immediately appear alongside the new staff member in the calendar.
Note: Sending a notification to the customer is automatically selected when you drag and drop the booking, so you would have to de-select that option to stop a notification from being sent to the customer.
Changing a staff member through the booking profile
  1. Log into your JRNI account and select a child location.
  2. Navigate to Home > Calendar.
  3. Find the booking you want to change the staff member for in the Staff, Resource, or Agenda tab.
  4. Select the booking and View booking, which will take you to the booking profile.
  5. In the top right corner, select Reschedule.
  6. Use the top right corner to select a new member of staff for your booking. Select the button next to the staff name and then select Any Staff Member or Specific Staff Member which then allows you to use the search bar. You will also have to reselect a time for your booking as staff members may not be available for the same time slot due to individual schedules.
Changing staff member
  1. Once you are happy with your changes, select Move Booking and the booking profile and calendar will update automatically.

Changing the resource for an upcoming booking

Changing the resource for an upcoming booking is done in the same way as changing a staff member, through the booking profile or using the drag and drop function but this time using the Resources tab.

Changing a resource using drag and drop

Follow the same steps explained for ‘Changing a staff member using drag and drop’, but here you must use the Resources tab within the Calendar page.

Resources tab

From the resource tab, you can then drag and drop the booking from the current resource to the resource you wish to change it to. The same message will appear as with a staff member, asking you to confirm your change.

Once you have selected Move booking the booking will appear alongside the new resource.

Changing a resource through the booking profile

Locate the booking profile using the steps from the Changing a staff member through the booking profile section above. 

The only difference is that you will use the resource drop down menu to change the resource, but you will still need to select the time again when you edit the resource through the booking profile.

Select Move Booking and the new resource will automatically appear on the booking profile and within the booking popover on the calendar.

Still have questions?

If you have any further questions about changing staff members and resources on upcoming bookings, please contact JRNI Customer Support, who will be happy to help.

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Creating pre and post appointment questions

Adding attendees to existing and upcoming bookings
