Set up a booking journey in Salesforce

Link booking journeys to Salesforce buttons so that Salesforce users to create or manage bookings from within the Salesforce platform.

You can also pass specific parameters from Salesforce objects to the booking journey via URL parameters, for example: name of contacts, email, ... All of which reduces the time and work required to make a booking.

Before getting started

Make sure to have the URL to your public customer journey as this will be required when linking Salesforce to the journey.

Step 1: Create a new appointment button

  1. In Salesforce go to Settings > Object Manager, and open the Contact object.
  2. Go to Buttons, Links and Actions and select New Button or Link found top right.
  3. Fill in the settings using the Settings sheet.

  4. Save! Congratulations, you created a new button for the Contact object. Now the button can be added to the page layout.

Step 2: Add the new button to the Contact page

  1. In Salesforce go to Settings > Object Manager, and open the Contact object.
  2. Go to Page Layouts and select the profile you would like to change.

  3. Here you'll see the new button is available under Buttons and Mobile & Lightning Actions. Both are required in order to be able to see the button on the Contact page.
  4. Go to Buttons and drag and drop the New Appointment button to Custom Buttons under Contact Detail.

  5. Go to Mobile & Lightning Actions and drag and drop the New Appointment button to Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions.

  6. Save! Congratulations, the button is now visible on the Contact page. Now you can create appointments in Salesforce.

Step 3: Create an edit button for Event

  1. In Salesforce go to Settings > Object Manager, and open the Event object.
  2. Go to Buttons, Links and Actions, and select New Button or Link found top right.

  3. Fill in the settings using the Settings sheet.

  4. Save! Congratulations, you created a new button for the Event object. Now the button can be added to the page layout.

Step 4: Add the edit button to the Event page

  1. In Salesforce go to Settings > Object Manager, and open the Event object.
  2. Go to Page Layouts and select the profile you would like to change.
  3. Here you'll see the new button is available under Buttons and Mobile & Lightning Actions. Both are required in order to be able to see the button on the Event page.
  4. Go to Buttons and drag and drop the New Appointment button to Custom Buttons under Event Detail.
  5. Go to Mobile & Lightning Actions and drag and drop the New Appointment button to Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions.

  6. Save! Congratulations, the button is now visible on the Event page. Now you can edit appointments in Salesforce.

How did we do?

Add BookingBug updates to Chatter

Manage user permissions and profiles
