V7.39.0 (December 1 2023)

Ibrahim Lambat Updated by Ibrahim Lambat

JRNI Release Notes v7.39.0 - 1st Dec 2023


  • We added additional monitoring to track any items that are not in sync between JRNI and Exchange
  • We have introduced attachments within the booking profile for easier access for the staff member
Customer Journeys
  • We made some improvements to the search box so it is clear by which you can search i.e. town, city, or postcode
  • We made a change in the availability page when a personal booking link is used, so it's clear which month you are booking your appointment for
  • If the customer journey is accessed via a deep link, we now auto-scroll appropriately

How did we do?

V7.40.0 (December 11 2023)

V7.38.0 (November 20 2023)
