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Blocking out time on the calendar

With JRNI you can block out the time of individual members of staff on the calendar. This will make this slot unavailable for bookings for the selected member or staff.

Learn how to do this to keep the booking experience streamlined.

Blocking Time

  1. Log into your JRNI account and into a location.
  2. Click Calendar from the left hand section under Home
  3. Depending on your access level, you will see your own calendar or a calendar of multiple staff members.
  4. Select a time slot in the calendar and in the pop up that appears, use the Block time option.
Selecting a time slot to block on the calendar
  1. Fill in the details:
    1. Staff member: Check that the staff member is correct, you can use the search bar to find another staff member if necessary.
    2. You can block out the full day by checking the tick box underneath the Staff Member.
    3. Start date and time: Specify the date and time you wish time blocking to start.
    4. End date and time: Specify the date and time you wish time blocking to end.
    5. Provide more details: Add a brief description about why the time is being blocked out (e.g., Diana is on holiday).
  2. The blocked time will then appear on the calendar that states the staff member and details of why the time is blocked out.

Blocking multiple days

To block out multiple days, view the calendar in Week view and select a time period across the days you wish to block out and select Block time (e.g., select from 9am on Monday to 4pm on Wednesday across the calendar). 

Do not try to select multiple days using the all day panel at the top of the calendar as this will only allow you to book one full day at a time.

It will then present the same time blocking options as described in the previous section. Fill these out accordingly and select Block time

Editing or removing blocked time

You may want to go back to blocked out time to edit or remove it. This can be done quickly and easily.

Editing blocked time

Select the blocked out time box and choose Edit Block from the options.

Editing blocked out time

It will then bring back the form that appears at initial booking. Amend the necessary details (time, date, etc.) and click Edit Block to save the changes. The changes should then appear on the calendar shortly after.

Removing blocked time

If you wish to remove the blocked time completely, click on the blocked time as stated above and instead click Remove block. You will then be asked if you are sure you want to remove the block; select Yes or No.

If Yes is selected, the calendar will update automatically and the time will be available again for bookings.

Still have questions?

If you have any further questions about blocking out time on the calendar, please contact JRNI Customer Support, who will be happy to help.

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Rescheduling and canceling bookings

Creating appointment bookings
