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Resolving conflicting shift patterns

JRNI Studio helps you to maintain accurate booking and calendar availability by keeping you aware of potential conflicts, and any overlapping shift patterns. This article outlines the various conflicts that can arise, and how to resolve them.

Changing an appointment date/time using the calendar

You may need to change an appointment date or time, or maybe move the appointment to another staff member. Due to individual shift patterns and various service durations, you may run into conflicts.

Within the calendar, you may experience conflicts when changing the date, time, or staff member when using the drag and drop function on the calendar. These conflicts can occur due to time steps, double bookings or booking outside of a staff or service schedule.

Using the drag and drop function

You can easily use the drag and drop function to move an appointment between times and staff members as seen below.

Drag and drop to move an appointment

Note: You cannot use the drag and drop function to move appointments between different days when using the Day calendar view. If you would like more information on rescheduling appointments, please refer to our Rescheduling and cancelling bookings article.

Any conflicts will be raised to you once you drop the appointment onto another time, date, or staff member’s calendar and after you select Move booking on the calendar popup.

The calendar conflict will show:

  • Your current booking
  • Overlapping bookings (this will not show if the conflict is due to a time step or outside of a schedule)
  • Booking conflict resolution option(s)

From the calendar conflict popup, you can select Ignore and continue which will ignore the conflict and use the ‘Overbook’ function to override current scheduling rules.

Note: If you are interested in configuring the ‘Overbook’ function, please contact JRNI Customer Support.

You can also select Pick another time which will allow you to choose another date, time and also the staff member or resource if necessary. A staff member may need to be reselected if the current staff member is not available at the new time and date that you have selected.

Calendar conflict popup.

Time-step conflicts

In the calendar conflict popup message it states that the conflict has occurred because it overlaps with another booking or could be outside of the time-step or schedule.

Time-steps are decided when you create a service and are used to determine the time slots that will be shown to customers during the booking journey.

Note: More detailed information about creating services can be found in the Creating and editing services guide.

If your time step is 1 hour to align with your 1 hour services, and you try to move an appointment to 10:20am for example, you may encounter a conflict. To find your current timestep for a service, navigate to Your Business > Services > Details > Advanced.

Creating new shifts or shift patterns

Staff, service, and resource shift patterns

Creating shift patterns for staff members, services or resources allows you to manage bookable time more effectively. However, you will experience a conflict message if the new shift pattern you are trying to create overlaps with an existing one.

If this situation occurs, the following message will appear.

Conflicting shift pattern message.

You will not be able to Save the schedule you are trying to create until the schedule no longer overlaps with the already existing schedule.

To check your existing shift patterns, you can view them in the calendar on the Schedule tab once you select a staff member, service or resource. You can then view the existing shift patterns and adapt your new shift pattern to avoid any conflicts.

You can then edit an individual shift or entire shift pattern by selecting a shift block on the calendar.

Editing a single shift.


Still have questions?

If you have any further questions about service schedules, please contact JRNI Customer Support, who will be happy to help.

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