Test the connection

Test the connection between JRNI and Exchange by triggering a test email from Studio.

  1. Log into your JRNI account at the Parent level (e.g https://customer.jrni.com/studio#)
  2. Go to Settings > Integrations > Exchange
  3. Click Test email
  4. Add an email address and click Test to validate if it’s mapped correctly to the Exchange user




    Exchange connection parameters are valid

    Check if connection is valid

    Permission to access calendar folder

    Check if user has access to the folder

    Permission to subscribe to streaming notifications

    Check if user can subscribe to streaming notifications

    Permission to un-subscribe to streaming notifications

    Check if user can un-subscribe to streaming notifications

    Create Calendar item

    Check if a slot can be created in exchange

    Find Calendar item

    Check if a slot can be found in exchange

    Update Calendar item

    Check if a slot can be updated in exchange

    Delete Calendar item

    Check if a slot can be deleted in exchange

How did we do?

Staff and resource mapping for Exchange

Customize outlook appointment body
