How to deeplink into booking journeys

Lorena Updated by Lorena

How to deep link into booking journeys?

Note: The following instructions are for the new customer journeys for appointments only.

Deep links allow you to access a specific step of the journey or pre-fill and lock certain selections in the booking flow, instead of just landing on the general customer booking journey. 

By clicking on a deep link, users are taken directly to the relevant page , saving them time and effort. They can be helpful if want want to have specific links for your staff , have a new campaign or service that you want to share or link out specific locations or services from your website.

There are 5 different types of deep links offered:

  • Company: This starts a journey with either a child or a parent company/location pre-selected. If a parent company ID with several child location is passed, the user will still be able to select any of those in the location step. If a child company ID is passed, the location step will be skipped all together and the journey starts with the service step
  • Service: This pre-selects a specific service in the journey. The journey will start with the location step
  • Category: This pre-selects a specific category in the journey. The journey will start with whatever the flow was selected to start with in the journey builder and show only the services sitting under that category
  • PersonGroup/Staff Group: The persongroup deep link selects a staff group meaning that only those categories and services that this pool of staff can offer are shown and only those locations that they work at. If the staff selector is enabled in the journey builder it will only show these staff in the dropdown on the calendar step
  • Employee / Staff: The employee deep link behaves similar to the person group/staff group deep link filtering the journey down to only the services this specific staff can offer, if the staff only works at one location or offers one service, these steps can be skipped (journey builder setting)
The employee parameter is what we use by default, it is however configurable - please contact for CSM for more info.
  • Combination: Any of the above can also be used in combination e.g. a specific category at a specific location pre-selected.
If you want a personal link for each staff that only shows the (categories and) services they are available for you can enable the personal booking link feature instead and make those easier available in Studio.

For a deep link into a service and location offered by each staff member (to cut the booking journeys short to the calendar step only) we have created the direct links feature.
  1. To create a deep link please take your general public customer booking journey link.

This can be found by logging in on parent level and navigating to the journey builder.

  1. You can insert the parameter for each deep link type anywhere after the first question mark of the URL by adding it and an"&" sign in front of it.

You insert the name of the parameter together with an equal sign and the actual ID. These are examples of what the parameter you pass could look like, please change the number characters with your own IDs (see section below on how to find them) :






  1. If you want to use a combination of multiple deep links please combine them with an "&" sign in between e.g. "company=12345&employee=54321"

This is an example of what a URL with a company and person deep link could look like: Journey&environment=production&company=12345&personGroup=54321

How to find the required IDs

The ID's for the parameter described above can be found in the following places:

  • Company ID: Login to the parent level and view the list of location under Home/Locations. The Company Id is the first entry in the table
  • Service ID: The service ID can be found on the service profile

  • PersonGroup ID: Log into the child location of the staff group. Go to Your Business/Staff and select the staff group tab. Select the desired staff group , click on Actions/Show. The Staff group ID is displayed next to the Close (X) button.
  • Employee ID: The employee ID is listed in the table of staff found under Your Business/ Staff. Please make sure to make the ID visible by clicking on the Filter Column button and selecting ID.
  • Category ID: Please contact your CSM or support to obtain the category ID. (We are working on making this available in Studio soon)

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