*New* Journey builder

Lorena Updated by Lorena

Along with the go-live of our new customer journeys, we launched a new tool in Studio called the Journey Builder. This guide explains how the tool works and what settings and configurations are available for admins, to configure their customer journeys with the help of the journey builder.

With the Journey Builder, we hand the power into your own hands. You can now change settings or turn features on with a click of a button. No more coding- as often as you want and whenever you want. Preview your journeys to see changes reflected in real-time. You can now also publish and get access to a URL or html snippet immediately!
The journey builder is only available on the edge version of Studio, with V5 of the API's

The new Journey Builder

How to access
Note: The journey builder is only visible when logged in on the parent level with the user roles Admin or Owner.

The Journey Builder can be accessed by navigating to Studio → Customize → Journey Builder.


The journey builder allows the creation or customization of a customer booking journey for each unique parent company and all its underlying child locations.

When navigating to the builder, you will see the overview page with the button"Create New Booking Journey". Once drafts have been created they will be visible in the lower field of the screen, while the space on top is reserved for the "live" version of the journey.

Drafts allow one or multiple users to explore, compare and customize the booking journeys in a safe environment that is not live or visible to your customers. The preview that can be opened whilst editing the draft helps you to visualize and test your journey - it is not triggering a real booking. Only when you are fully happy with a draft, you can choose to publish it as the live version.

The published version is never editable in live mode and supports view-only mode. If you want to make edits to the current live version, you can make a copy of it (using the menu icon in the top right corner of the live card) which will be saved as a new draft, that can then be edited and published.
Managing and publishing drafts
  1. Create a new draft
    1. On the overview page of the builder, click on the 'Create New Booking Journey' button as shown below to create a new draft.
    2. Enter the name of the draft in the dialog box that appears.
    3. Click on “Create”. The draft will be created and added to the overview page. Now, you can edit the draft to customize each booking step and choose helpful features to create the best booking experience for your customers.
  2. Edit an existing draft
    1. On the overview page of the Builder, click on the 'Edit journey' button on the existing draft card you want to edit.
    2. You will then enter the builder interface as seen below. Here you can edit general settings, customize the progress bar, each booking step, and your custom text. Each section is also described in more detail in the other sections of this article.
    3. After editing, you can save your changes by clicking on the ‘Save’ button in the top right corner. Note: the editor won’t close after saving.
    4. You can exit the editor by clicking on ‘Exit’ in the top left. It will prompt you to save the changes.
  3. Delete a draft
    1. Click on the three-dots menu in the top right corner of the draft card to see the menu options. Click on ‘Delete’ to delete the draft.
    2. A dialog box will prompt you to confirm you want to delete the draft. If done so, a notification message will appear on the screen to confirm the deletion was successful.
  4. Preview draft
    The changes and customizations to the draft journey can be previewed as an interactive customer journey, using the ‘Preview’ button in the editor. Note: The draft will be saved automatically. In preview mode, you can browse through all booking steps until you reach the confirmation page. No real booking will be made and a flag in the top left corner indicates this is a preview-only url.
  5. Publish draft

The changes and customization to the draft journey can be published to the live version of production by clicking on the ‘Publish’ button in the editor. Note: The draft will be saved automatically.

General settings

  1. Selecting a theme
    The drop-down will list all the branding themes that were created at that parent using the Branding Theme Builder. Select the branding theme you want to apply for your draft journey from the drop-down. You can refer to the Branding Theme Builder article for more details.
  1. Selecting the first step of the journey
    Here you can decide how you would like your booking journey to start - with the service selection or the location selection. Service-first journeys are advised, as they allow the ability to indicate the next available slots per location on the location step. Location-first journeys are only recommended if you offer exactly similar services across many locations.
  2. Skipping of steps
    If your company only offers only one service or is based at a single location, these settings allow you to skip those steps to shorten and streamline the booking journey.
  3. Allow to select specific staff members
    If enabled, this setting allows your customers to pick a preferred staff member on the calendar step. It shows their staff images and bios so that customers can easily pick their preferred staff, the information can be uploaded on the staff profile under Studio/Your Business/Staff.
    You can further select if you also want to allow this feature on personal booking links.
  4. Link Journeys to your Google Analytics tracking
    Here you can add your GA4 code to collect data on your customer journey through the online booking process. More info on this can be found in this article.
  5. Activating captcha
    Under advanced settings, you can activate a captcha process for your journey. This will keep malicious software from engaging in abusive activities on your customer journeys, like bot bookings. If turned on, it will be visible at the bottom of the journey’s personal details step, before making the booking.
    Please note that this feature is not turned on by default. Users with viewing impairments will still be able to book by filling in a details form. Though this is not as streamlined, accessibility is supported.

Progress Bar

All the customizations related to the progress bar can be configured in the ‘Progress bar’ section. We support two styles: numbered steps (eg. Step 1 of 5) or descriptive steps (eg. Where, what, when).

Under the section "Custom text" you can customize the titles for each step shown

Booking Steps

  1. Service step
    In this section, you can customize how the service step of your journeys should be shown. The in-app preview shows a simple example of the changes you are making, you can use the preview button to see how this would reflect in your own journey. The configurations currently supported for the service step are:
    • Display style of services - List view or Card view
    • Show/hide categories
    • Show/hide category images (only shown if the above setting of show/hide categories is turned on)
    • Show/hide service images
Images for services can be uploaded on the service profile in Studio (view this article for detailed instructions). Images for categories can also be uploaded in Studio (view this article for detailed instructions). If you select to show the images for services or categories in the journey but have no image uploaded, we will show a placeholder image with matching colors from your branding theme.
If you only offer a view services the card view is a nice way to display them however, we advise you to use the list view for a greater number of services to avoid excessive scrolling.
  1. Location step
    The configurations currently supported for the Location step are:
    • Show/hide Next Available Slots (only available for service first journeys)
    • Show/hide Quickbook button (only available if Next Available Slots is turned on)
    • Show/hide Additional location Info like location opening hours and phone number

  1. Personal details step
    The configurations currently supported for the Personal details step are:
    • Control the type of contact information you require from your customers (Phone/Email/Both)
    • Show/Hide notification preferences (If enabled the customer can select their preferred channel of how they would like to be notified about their appointment)
    • Allow file upload (If enabled a file upload field will appear on the personal details steps that allows the customer to upload a single 1 MB file. Please note: This feature will be further built out by us, currently the uploaded files can only be viewed in Classic. We recommend adding info about the type of document that needs to be uploaded on the service description)

Custom text

This section allows you to customize all text shown across the new customer journeys.

For each step of the customer journey (and the progress bar titles), you can add customized texts. The dropdown at the top of the screen lets you switch between the different sections that can be customized, showing a mockup to indicate where exactly the custom text would be displayed.

You can also add links to info text using the anchor tag (opening in a new tab). Copy the below snippet and customize it with your own text and link:

See our privacy policy <a href='https://www.jrni.com'target=_blank'> here </a>

The main section shows the text that is currently used as a default on the left, with the option to replace that text with new custom text on the right.

Please note that if you support multiple languages, you can customize the text for each language separately by using the language dropdown.

Appointment availability

The appointment availability that customers see is determined by two things:

  1. Staff schedules: Schedules are created and amended within Studio. If you would like more information on creating staff schedules, refer to the Creating and managing staff availability article.
  2. Time slots: The time slots that customers see (e.g., 9:20, 9:40; 10:00) are calculated based on your timestep settings, a service creation setting. More information can be found on this in the Creating and editing services article.


Depending on the settings of your store/branch, upon confirmation customers may receive confirmation via SMS or email also. This helps the customer to keep a copy of their confirmation should they need it to remember the time, date and location.

Notification settings can be amended within Studio if you navigate to Settings > Basic Settings > Notifications.

Supported languages for the customer journeys

See the list of languages that we currently support for the new Customer Journeys below, new languages can be added upon request.

  • English UK
  • English US
  • English HK
  • English AU
  • English China
  • French France
  • French Canada

Still have questions?

If you have any further questions about the new customer booking journey, please contact JRNI Customer Support, who will be happy to help.

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*New* Customer Journeys
