Private services

JRNI Updated by JRNI

Private services are exclusive VIP services that are not visible on the general customer journeys, catering to the needs of high-value buyers & customers.

They are introduced alongside the new "Visibility" type setting for services.

There are three different ways in which private services can be booked:

  1. As a staff member in Studio
    Staff can select the service when booking an appointment in Studio. The services will be labeled as private in the service dropdown to avoid any confusion
Call Center Users will also be able to book the service in the call center booking journeys.
  1. With a direct link
    Private services will have an automatically generated direct link that can be shared with customers (e.g. via email) to book. The direct link is available on a staff's profile (Direct Link tab) once a staff has been assigned to a service (What&Where tab). Direct links are shortcuts that have location, staff and service pre-selected so that the customer can go straight to the calendar step and select a suitable time.
    Read more about direct links here
  2. With a personal booking link
    If the Visibility type is set to "Private & Personal Booking Link" the service will be shown on all personal booking links for staff that are assigned to in (in the What&Where tab). Personal booking links are unique to a staff and show all services for all locations that a staff offers/works at. They are found on the staff profile (Details tab).
    If visbility type "Private" was selected, the service will not appear on personal booking links.

Read more about personal booking links here

Services set to Private or Private&Personal Booking Links are also available as services that can be added/used for Events or for Queuing and Ai-Powered automation templates.
They can also be deep-linked into.

Bookings made for disabled service before turning on the shard settings will be allowed for rescheduling.

To set the visibility type of a service, please navigate to the service profile.

The options available here are:

Visibility Type



Service is bookable via all flows and on the public customer journeys.


Service is bookable via staff in Studio, direct links, private links, deeplinks, call-centre journeys, Events, Queuing

Private & Personal Booking Links

Service is bookable via staff in Studio, personal booking links, direct links, private links, deeplinks, call-centre journeys, Events, Queuing

Disabled (as a checkbox option underneath)

Service is FULLY disabled and no longer bookable on any given flow or deeplink

Please note : If you enable visibility types all services that have been previously set to disabled will then be transfered to the new FULLY disabled services (no deeplinking possible). If you wish to make these bookable, please change the visibility type to private.

  1. Turn off the shard settings, set it to false/null.
  2. Impact of turning off the shard settings:
    1. Services which were set to private or private_and_personal_booking_link will start acting as “not disabled” services and they will start being listed in public journeys.
    2. To handle this case before turning off the shard settings, we will have to make sure the private services are also set to disabled because we don’t want them to be listed for public.

How can I enable this feature?

Please speak to your Customer Success Manager who can support you with enabling this feature.

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