Events Staff Experience

Lorena Updated by Lorena

Events Staff experience

Managing Events

Calendar page

The calendar page in the studio allows the owner, administrator & users (staff) to track upcoming events. This page is only available at the child (location/store) company. To access the calendar page, log in to Studio and navigate to Home → Calendar.

The calendar page consolidates events and appointments, presenting them collectively for a comprehensive overview.

Date filter: Use the arrow buttons to switch to the previous or next date. Click on the calendar button to jump to a specific date.

Daily View: In daily view, you can view the schedules of all staff members organised by the time of day

Weekly view: Shows the schedules for the entire week, organised by the time of day

Monthly view: Shows the schedules for the entire month

Click on an event to reveal additional details. The modal also serves as a shortcut to navigate to the attendees & event settings page.

Agenda page

The agenda page provides a list view of all the upcoming events.

Like the calendar page, the agenda page consolidates events and appointments. To differentiate events from appointments, you can rely on either the distinctive yellow dot (as opposed to the blue dot for appointments) on the left or by checking the event type (Single event/Recurring event) text displayed on the right.

Click on the event to reveal additional details. The modal also serves as a shortcut to navigate the attendees & event settings page.

Manage attendees

To access the attendee management page, log in to Studio and navigate to Your business (left menu) → Events → Hover over ‘Actions’ → Manage attendees. This page can be accessed by the owner, administrator & user

Alternatively, you can access this page from the calendar or agenda page. Simply click on an event and then click on ‘Manage attendee(s)’ inside the modal.

You can view the list of all attendees inside the ‘Attendees’ tab or the ‘Add attendees’ tab.

Adding an attendee

Go to the ‘Add attendees’ tab to add a new attendee, and click ‘Add single date attendee’. Fill out the form and click on ‘Create’.

Updating an Attendee

To update an attendee, hover over the ‘Actions’ dropdown next to the attendee name and click on ‘Edit’

Alternatively, you can edit an attendee from the ‘Attendee’ tab. Click on the three dots and select ‘Edit details’

Note that Studio automatically creates a new customer in your company directory when you add a new attendee. You can click on the attendee name to navigate to the customer page.

Deleting an attendee

To delete an attendee, hover over the ‘Actions’ dropdown next to the attendee's name and click ‘Cancel’. Alternatively, you can delete an attendee from the ‘Attendees’ tab. Click on the three dots and select ‘Remove attendee’.

Exporting attendees list

Go to the ‘Add attendees’ tab and click on the ‘Export button’. Choose the fields you wish to include in the file, then click ‘Export’. The resulting file is compatible with both Excel and Google Sheets.

Checking in attendees

Go to the ‘Attendees’ tab to check in attendees. By default, all attendees will be automatically marked as arrived. To mark an attendee as arrived, click the ‘Mark arrived’ button next to the attendee's name.

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Event journeys

Events Bulk Import
